Remediation department
Remediation of contaminated sites - from site investigation to intervention, Environmental Due Diligence, Accredited sampling, accredited laboratory analysis and monitoring of soil and groundwater, Waste characterisation, qualification, Landfill restoration and aftercare, Preparing Water Right Permission MoreContact us
Environmental Due Diligence, Site investigation
- Survey, investigation and delimitation of contaminated sites
- Contaminated Land investigation
- Risk assessment
- Preparation of Intervention Plan
- Realizing Intervention
- Preparation of Intervention Final Report and Remediation Monitoring Final Report

Water Right Permitting, design
- Planning and permitting of water facilities (monitoring well, irrigation well, rainwater draining and treatment system, sewage disposal and treatment system)
- Well drilling (involving a subcontractor)
- Operation of monitoring system
- Preparation of case study of water resource protection
- Pre-examination documentation
- Hydraulics, hydrodynamic and transport modelling
- Planning and water right permitting of water treatment technologies

Accredited sampling, accredited laboratory analysis
- NAH-1-1626/2018.
- Soil
- Surface and groundwater
- Drinking water
- Waste water (rainwater)
- Wastewater sludge
- Waste
- Laboratory testing, preparation of expert documentation

Waste management
- Classification and basic characterisation of waste
- Planning and implementation of landfill recultivation
- Performance of aftercare tasks for restored landfills
- Preparation of expert documentation
How can a remediation expert help you?
We assist our clients from various industries (pharmaceutical, energy, automotive, construction industry etc.) in achieving their goals by offering our services: expert advice and design regarding to soil, groundwater, enivronmental contamination and waste management (permitting, classification etc.)
Why do our clients choose us for remediation works?
We guarantee compliance with legal and regulatory requirements also the use of innovative methods and outstanding design quality. We have the required designer and expert rights for remediation (VZ-TEL, VZ-TER, VZ-VKG, SZKV-1.1, SZKV-1.3) and adequate professional experience.
Evaluation of samples are carried out in our own accredited laboratory, we can work effectively on site with our equipments, sampling tools and we provide high level of expert advice with professional experince and by using modern softwares.
Do you have any question?
“Due to the decades of experience and the various experts in our team as well as the complex infrastructure of our company, we are able to assess and eliminate environmental damage affects geological medium, surface and groundwater efficiently, perform permitting tasks for rainwater and wastewater systems. We also prepare high quality expert documentation with short deadlines.”
András Kovács, Head of Remediation Department
IMSYS Engineering Services Ltd.
Address: Mozaik street 14/a,
1033 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 430 0014, +36 1 430 0015
Fax: +36 1 437 0325