Occupational health&safety (OHS) and Fire safety department
Preparation of OHS and fire safety regulations and plans, Building of OHSAS system, OHS risk assessment, Workplace, occupational health measurements, OHS and fire safety consultancy, safety expert activities MoreContact us
Preparing OHS and fire safety regulations, plans and rules
- Policy
- Prevention strategy
- Personal protective equipment distribution rules
- Rescue plan
- Building and implementing of systems according to MSZ ISO 45001 (MEBIR)
- Fire Safety Regulations
- Fire Alert Plan
- Explosion protection documentation

OHS risk assessment
- Examination of the working environment
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Risk Assessment
- Risk assessment of machines and work equipment
- Chemical risk assessment
- Carcinogenic risk assessment
- Biological risk assessment
- Legionella risk assessment

Workplace and occupational health measurements
- Noise and vibration at workplaces
- Workplace air
- Climate parameters:
- airspeed
- relative humidity
- temperature
- Workplace illumination measurement
- Legionella concentration

OHS and fire safety consultancy and expert activities
- Nominated OHS consultant activities
- OHS and fire safety checks
- Inspection of work equipment (preliminary inspection /review)
- Preparation of OHS and fire safety training thematics, conducting of trainings
- Maintaining relations with the authorities
Precise compliance with OHS and fire safety regulations
We help our clients to comply with the OHS and fire safety legislations. In addition, we provide a complex range of work safety services for manufacturing, processing, storaging, warehousing and for the construction industry. Our job is to guarantee a non-hazardous and safe work place for the employee.
Why to use our OHS and fire safety services?
Workplace accidents, even serious fatalities, could be avoided most of the time as they are usually caused due to incomplete training and non-compliance with safety regulations. However, our customers, who have entrusted us with supervising and managing their potentially hazardous work and fire safety processes, can focus more on their core business activities. From the preparation of workplace regulations to training and supervision, we can precisely find the critical points and processes that may pose danger to employees or material goods.
We offer responsible thinking, regulatory knowledge, experience and expertise.
Do you have any question?
“Entrust us with the fulfillment of your work and fire safety obligations from the preparation of workplace regulations and risk assessments through workplace and occupational health measurements and establishment of the OHSAS system. You can count on our precision and full knowledge of the relevant regulations.”
IMSYS Engineering Services Ltd.
Address: Mozaik street 14/a,
1033 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: +36 1 430 0014, +36 1 430 0015
Fax: +36 1 437 0325
E-mail: imsys@imsys.hu